Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My BIG boy

Quillan had his checkup at the doctor today. He is 6 weeks old and an itty bitty baby he is not.
Drumroll please...

My bruiser of a VBAC baby is now:

14 lbs 13 oz


26.5 inches long.

No wonder he is wearing 3-6 month clothes.

He's a great kid. Super mellow with no major issues - except for GAS. Perhaps he'll outgrow it?

The thing that floored me today at the office visit was the question the nurse asked - "Is he sleeping through the night?"... HUH?? Xaelen didn't completely sleep through the night by himself without mom and dad until he was like 15 months or something. And here she is asking if my 6 week old sleeps through the night? HAHHAhahahhaha. I just have to laugh at that one. He doesn't sleep through the night, but he DOES sleep well enough for me! He wakes up every 3 hours or so, nurses and goes RIGHT back to sleep - works for me!

From end of summer 2008

From end of summer 2008

And here is my other big baby: My beautiful Xaelen

From end of summer 2008


London said...

Wow! You must be feeding him good, lol!

Joanna said...

You've done good momma! He looks like he's three months old! What a cutie.

LOL about the sleeping through the night question. That nurse is clearly out of her mind.

Angela said...

Oh, Rita, they are BOTH absolutely gorgeous! good to see everyone is well!!!

LauraC said...

Holy moly! Over 14lbs already?!?! That is crazy, and awesome. Love the pics.

Maria said...

They are both so handsome. Good growing Quillan!

-Bridget said...

Goodness! That is some healthy weight gain! I love that first picture of him with the dimple, so cute. And X is just beautiful.

Sleeping through the night? Bailey is 8.5 months old and we are celebrating because we are down to one feeding a night. Good grief.

Lisa, mama to Mia said...

Holy cow, what a cutie pie. I went back and checked Mia's stats. Q's about the size she was at 6 months! X is just a doll too.

DesiDVM said...

What beautiful kids...I'm laughing because I agree, Q looks like a 3 month old. It's not just his size, he seems very alert in the pictures. Cute cute cute!

Robin said...

AWWW, what a cutie, Olivia had her 3 year checkup today, can't belleve how fast they grow. Hope you stop over and say hi

Kaycee said...

Wow he's a big un!! LOL ..super adorable though and goodness Xaelan is gorgeous.

My little family

My little family
Mama bear, Papa bear & Xaelen bear

About Me

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San Diego, California, United States
I'm gLobey, also known as Rita, also known as Mama. I'm a married mother of two awesome boys named Xaelen (age 3) and Quillan (9 months). They are super cute! My other half is Adazm, he's quite cute too.

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