Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Random thoughts for a Tuesday morning

I have so many topics I could write about today. I don't even know where to begin. For starters, since I'm pregnant, let's talk about the pregnancy! I visited with the OBGYN last night for my followup ultrasound. The heart is beating! There's a head! And legs! And arms! The one thing that is absent is the hemorrhage! It appears it has either been reabsorbed by my body, or perhaps just shrunk to a size that makes it a non issue! Happy day indeed.
Next let me just say, Xaelen is adorable. His personality is coming through more and more every day. I never thought I would say this, but I really think he's learned how to manipulate all of those around him. And I say this with all the love in my heart. I don't believe manipulation is a negative thing. It's just a fact of life. He's really getting good at extracting the emotional reaction he wants from whoever he is interacting with. Something tells me that will be a valuable skill to have living in our world. I just worry (there's that word again!) that he doesn't solely depend on said manipulation, and actually work on his other skills as well.
Moving on to another topic, I've recently discovered Google Analytics. Has anyone ever used it? So much information, I'm not even sure how to use all of it. But I'm intrigued and really enjoying learning about it. If anyone has any information on it or advice, I would appreciate any and all!
Oh, and can I just say OBAMA! I'm flying on cloud nine with his success in Iowa and his (hopeful) success in New Hampshire. Ever since hearing him speak at the California Democratic Convention last summer here in San Diego, I'm enamored with him. I'm inspired. I'm uplifted. I'm politically reinvigorated. Oh, the possibilities!
I'm off to make lots of phone calls this morning. We're looking for Xaelen to start preschool in the next few months, as Adazm (the Stay At Home Dad Extraordinaire) is beginning his travel season for work and we're about to be screwed unless we find some care provider for him SOON. Think good thoughts for us!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Yay for a sticky bean and NO hemmorage!! We've been thinking about you guys all week!

My little family

My little family
Mama bear, Papa bear & Xaelen bear

About Me

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San Diego, California, United States
I'm gLobey, also known as Rita, also known as Mama. I'm a married mother of two awesome boys named Xaelen (age 3) and Quillan (9 months). They are super cute! My other half is Adazm, he's quite cute too.

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