Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday, January 9th 2008

What is today? Today is many things..

1. It is Wednesday and therefore catered lunch day at work. My company orders lunch from a restaurant of our choice and we eat together talking about whatever is going on in the world/our company. It's always a midweek treat.

2. It is also hump day. That middle of the week day that always seems longer than the rest of the days of the week.

3. It is also the day that my brother Mark and cousin Ilana arrive in San Diego for a week long visit with the family.

4. It is also the day of the week that Xaelen goes to his great grandma's apartment for the day. Adazm works on Wednesdays at the disc golf course, and Xaelen gets fed lots and lots of tasty treats!

5. It is also the 9th of January. On this day, 5 years ago, Adazm and I exchanged our wedding vows. Just the two of us - under the gazebo - in the early afternoon sun - in magical Negril, Jamaica.

5. It is also the day I ALMOST forgot that it was my anniversary. I always laughed when I would hear/read stories about spouses forgetting things like that. How do you forgot such a thing? Well, then we had a kid, and a house, and responsibilities, and all the other minutia that occupies ones brain. And then I almost forgot. ALMOST. I didn't realize it was the 9th until I got to work, looked at my calendar and said "DOH!".

So, my dear husband, if you are reading this -

Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for saying yes when I proposed. Thank you for having the patience to put up with me day in and day out. Thank you for keeping calm when I'm blowing a gasket. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for being an engaging & ever present father. Thank you for helping me conceive our sparkling gem of a child (not to mention the one on the way). I love you more than I probably ever convey, I love you more than I am even able to fathom, and most importantly I love you more each and every day that goes by. Thank you for the last 5 years and the countless years to come.


DesiDVM said...

Congratulations! I don't know why but 5 years seems like a milestone. It's like if you can get that far, you have a good chance of another 50. Hope you guys have a great anniversary!!

Kaycee said...

Aw, you're so sweet! I'm sure he understands you have a lot going on. :) Happy Anniversary, hope you had a great day!

My little family

My little family
Mama bear, Papa bear & Xaelen bear

About Me

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San Diego, California, United States
I'm gLobey, also known as Rita, also known as Mama. I'm a married mother of two awesome boys named Xaelen (age 3) and Quillan (9 months). They are super cute! My other half is Adazm, he's quite cute too.

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