Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dr. Wonderful just made magic happen

I just got back from the hospital and I would like to annouce my external version was a SUCCESS!

I was scheduled for a 4:30 version. I first visited my chiropractor one last time to make sure my pelvis was as loose and relaxed as possible and in the best position for the version. After my adjustment we drove the 1 mile to the hospital and checked in. My doula met us there. I kept thinking, is it really necessary for my doula to be there? But she offered to accompany us, so I figured why not?

We were brought to my room and I settled in. I was hooked up to monitors and just lay there for about 20 minutes while they checked on how the baby was doing. He was great, but still breech. My doula and I chatted for a while and then she suggested I put on my relaxation mix on the ipod. I've been praciticing hypnobirthing for that last 6 weeks, so I began some of those techniques. My doula rubbed my feet and I relaxed and visualized him turning. My doula was awesome. Her presence there I think was instrumental in our success.

The nurse came in and gave me my first shot of Terbutaline (is that what it's called? I forget the actual name), I just continued to relax. The terbutaline makes your heart race like crazy. I was actually having a hard time relaxing given it felt like I had just downed a huge amount of coffee. About 20 minutes later, I was given another shot of terbutaline. All during this, I'm listening to my hypnobirthing cd and breathing nice and slow.

The doctor came in a few minutes later and said we are going to start. I had my eyes closed, but according to my husband: The Dr. dimmed the lights, put mineral oil on my belly, closed his eyes and began the procedure. You heard correctly, he closed his eyes. He actually did the whole thing with his eyes closed. Apparently it helps him visualize the baby and really connect to what's happening inside.

Now the bad part. It hurt. Well, it didn't HURT like my c-section recovery from last time, and it didn't hurt as bad as labor the last time, but it was very uncomfortable. I breathed slow and deep, visualizing balloons on baby's feet lifting him up and lowering him head down. The actual physical manipulation of my uterus lasted about 6 minutes - and plop, he turned. I actually was so in my hypnosis state, that I didn't even notice he flipped. I figured we tried and it wasn't working and that we were just taking a break to try again in a few minutes. But when I opened my eyes, everyone had thumbs up for me.

I wound up staying at the hospital longer than I had expected. They wanted to monitor the baby's heartrate just to be absolutely sure that there were no complications from the version. At 7:45, I was finally allowed to go home. I'm currently wearing a belly band belt thingy they told me to wear which should keep him from turning back.

Fingers and toes crossed. I'm home now and utterly elated. I couldn't have done it without the help of my hypnobirthing coach (Carol), My chiropractor (Dr. Mawer), My doctor (Dr. Biter), my doula (Doula Dawn) and the wonderful nurses at the hospital. I am on cloud nine. VBAC here I come!


Sandra said...

I saw your blog from the baby center blogs. That's great that the baby has turned. It can be quite stressful when you want to have VBAC and it doesn't happen. Fingers crossed and prayers said:)

LauraC said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!!! This is awesome awesome news. YAY! And kudos to you for relaxing and staying so positive during all this.


PS. I had to take terbutaline for four weeks, 24 hours a day. It sucks. Big time.

Maria said...

I am so HAPPY for you guys! Congrats, and here's to a few weeks of being upside down.

-Bridget said...

Hooray! I'm so glad it worked! It sounds like you have an awesome team that's really rooting for your VBAC and doing everything they can for you.

Joanna said...

Wow, that's great! I'm not surprised that your doctor closed his eyes. I would think this is something that is more a matter of feel than sight.

I think you should also give yourself credit. I'm sure the fact that you could relax made a big difference in allowing the little bean to flip. I have my fingers crossed that he will stay that way.

DesiDVM said...

THAT'S AWESOME!! Now just keep relaxing, in a couple of weeks I'll be looking for your VBAC story (fingers crossed)...

JenFen said...

I was so excited to hear that it was sucessful and cannot wait to hear about the rest of your journey with this pregnancy. You are in the home stretch!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! I'm so excited for you!! Now we just wait until baby Q is ready to make his appearance. You're getting so close!

So this is going to sound weird, but I started thinking about you yesterday. DH and I were watching, "The Business of Being Born" and I got to thinking that IF we have another child, I think I'd like to try for a VBAC. You and the movie have given me the inspiration I need. Now all I need is to get pregnant! LOL!

Julie said...


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Mama bear, Papa bear & Xaelen bear

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San Diego, California, United States
I'm gLobey, also known as Rita, also known as Mama. I'm a married mother of two awesome boys named Xaelen (age 3) and Quillan (9 months). They are super cute! My other half is Adazm, he's quite cute too.

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