Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Still Knocked Up

My appointment with the OB was today. Not the best news was heard.. but hey, what can ya do?

I'm still 0 dilated
I'm still mostly not effaced yet - just an itty bitty bit.

I have another appointment on Monday - my 41 week one. We will again discuss the options.

The good news about today was Dr. Biter's wonderful response to my question about whether I should be concerned about being past due. His response was simply "It looks like your kiddo is just not ready to come out yet.. let's let your body dictate rather than medicalizing it." How fantastic is that?

It's really nice that nobody is panicking.
Nobody is trying to push me to have a repeat Cesarean.
Nobody is trying to use any scare tactics on me.

In fact, I think of all the parties involved - My OB, My Chiropractor, My doula, etc. - I am probably the most "panicky" of all. So if my support team feels all loosey goosey about it, so shall I.

So we sit and wait. Let's see what hatches.


Angela said...

Sending labor vibes your way!! I've been thinking about you a ton this week . . . remember you can go from 0 to a lot in no time at all :-) Just relax!!!! I'm so glad you found a supportive healthcare provider. Hang in there, and Baby, come out now!!

Beth said...

Hang in there Rita! Sounds like you have all the right kind of support. I'm thinking of you and can't wait until the baby decides to get here. You will love having two--even in the most stressful moments!

Joanna said...

Here's to not making it to your Monday appointment. I delivered DURING my last OB appointment. Hey, at least my OB wasn't late for me that morning!

Kaycee said...

That's great to hear you dr is at ease with it all. I'm so sorry nothing is happening yet must be misserable.

Karen said...

Maybe your little man is still preparing for his VBAC entrance! Sending labor vibes your way.

LauraC said...

I laughed out loud when I saw this post title! I mean, not laughing that you're overdue... laughing at knocked up.

You know how there's the blog story and the real story? The real story was that once I started having pre-term labor scares, people called every day to see if we were having the babies. They did not GET the whole preemie thing and why it was bad.

Here's the blog story, about as irritated as I ever sound on my blog:

My little family

My little family
Mama bear, Papa bear & Xaelen bear

About Me

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San Diego, California, United States
I'm gLobey, also known as Rita, also known as Mama. I'm a married mother of two awesome boys named Xaelen (age 3) and Quillan (9 months). They are super cute! My other half is Adazm, he's quite cute too.

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